New Mexico Kokanee Limit

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Jul 2, 2009
I keep seeing people refer to the Koke limit at Navajo Lake as 6 a day and 12 in possesion. Better brush up on the new proclamation guys. The limit for Kokanee in the state of New Mexico is 5 a day and 10 in possesion. That limit changed about four years ago. The kokanee limit also includes rainbow/brown/lake trout as a total of five together with a limit of 2 lake trout in the 5. Of course the limit changes for snagging. The proclamation is available on the NMDFG website. Another falacy I keep hearing people say is that your limit is doubled if you pay for the second pole, not true, also clearly stated in the proclamation.

On another note. I have been fishing Navajo for about six years now and keep my boat at Sims Marina there. Took 7 kokes home the weekend of 19 June. Fishing two downriggers at 20-27 feet. Purple #1 e-chips tipped with power bait corn. Mouth of the Francis seemed to be the hot area. Heading back up tomorrow for 8 days. I'll let you know how thier hitting.
