Remote troll can it trailer with kicker installed?

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May 2, 2013
Cottonwood heights, utah
Remote troll can it trailer with kicker installed? I upgraded from 4hp, to 9.9 with electric start, will this damage remote troll if I trailer with motor installed to and from lake. I had back fusion surgery this spring and can not lift the motor for atleast one year. thanks for any feed back
The answer lies in how well the remote troll was mounted to your transom and the condition of your transom. Bduck has the same set up with a 9.9 and always travels in that fashion. If the remote troll was installed with appropriate backing and the transom is sturdy, you should be good to go. Use a transom saver on the kicker.
Is your remote troll mounted on a deck platform or the transom? Is it the old style with cable system or direct gear drive? My 9.9 Merc kicker is mounted on the transom in which I trailer mine all of the time, its the newer direct gear drive. These motors are not easy to lift and I don't like the extra preparation work done at the launch site. Instructions for towing is to install a transom saver to add additional support for the kicker. My saver is attached to cross member of trailer. If you have any questions you can contact Jerry.

Remote Troll
Is your remote troll mounted on a deck platform or the transom? Is it the old style with cable system or direct gear drive? My 9.9 Merc kicker is mounted on the transom in which I trailer mine all of the time, its the newer direct gear drive. These motors are not easy to lift and I don't like the extra preparation work done at the launch site. Instructions for towing is to install a transom saver to add additional support for the kicker. My saver is attached to cross member of trailer. If you have any questions you can contact Jerry.

Remote Troll

Thanks for the feedback. the transom looks stable and reinforced, my worry is the bearing on the Remote troll unit.
a transom saver is required to trailer. The bouncing causes the shaft to bend and puts a lot of wear on the brackets .( I know this from personal experience )after about a year of trailering with out the transom saver it really tore up my unit, I have now towed with one for several years with no wear problems.
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a transom saver is required to trailer the bouncing causes the shaft to bend and put a lot of wear on the brackets , I know this from personal experience after about a year of trailering with out the transom saver it really tore up my unit, I have tow with one for several years now with no wear problems.

Thanks I will get a tramson saver. it sounds like good insurance.
SuperD, how do you like your remote-troll? I'm thinking about putting one on my 2000 Bayliner trophy.

I don't own one but have limited experience with Bduck's unit on his boat. I can say that I don't think that I would own one unless it had autopilot. Remote control only seems of value to me if I don't have to pay constant attention to where the boat is headed or have to deal with over correction at every directional change. Look into the GPS feature. If that does in fact exist, it would be well worth the money for the upgrade, IMO.

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