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Upon arrival, I walked the right ramp and noticed that the water was 20 ft beyond the edge of the concrete. No problem I thought as my truck can handle that however; the water was shallow and didn’t know if I could float my boat off the trailer.
I put on my waders and backed, what seemed like a ¼ mile, down the ramp to the waters edge. I had to back my rig in until the front wheels of my truck were almost in the water to get enough water underneath the boat to even have a chance of getting it off the trailer. After some effort, the boat was launched and I was on my way.
I headed for the dam and immediately started marking fish in the 20 to 25 depth range. I rigged up both poles with Bahamamas and Pink UV Minisquids for starters. For bait I used corn and Pink Gulp Maggots on the lead hook and Shrimp on the trail hook. With 30 pulls of line back, I set one rod at 20 ft on the wire and the other at 23. As I trolled through the first cluster, it was fish on. I had my limit within 1 ½ hrs of launching. The fish weren’t the biggest but they put up a good fight and it was a ton of fun.