Back from the Gorge
It was a little slower for everyone the weekend we went. We did catch 5 with 2 of them in that 3-3.5 lb range, I think no scale. A couple of pup Macks and enjoyed the time on the water.
The larger Kokes are really fun to work.
We lost a fair number of fish . Had 2 leaders snap early on Sat morning and a nice big bow snaped the line on my wife right at the back of the boat. It was one of those, how did that happen moments.
I took heavier rods than I should have but once the drag was set right they worked OK. Its amazing to have those bigger fish peel line off your real. Real motivation to encourage one to head back down there.tongue2
All in All, FUN FUN FUN.
Going to do it again next year for a full week. Can't help myself.tooexcited