Samish GREAT start

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Samish Koks

Watched the video. Very informative. Hope to make it to Samish tomarrow morning. Today was wet, cold, and windy on Silver Lake. Still we picked up 5 rainbows for the new guy.
Koks are more fun.
i hit the lake today around 4pm and fish till 7. For some reason the bite was on fire!!

Talk about who's "on fire", nicely done!

I decided to try Stevens again and I wished I hadn't.

I'm working on a perfect 0-6 so far on the lake when it comes to those stingy Kokes.

Samish is looking better by the minute.
Yep ive been doing really well and suprisingly others arent doing as well. If your having trouble landing fish torres switch to the triple hooks i have in my video, i usually land 9/10 kokanee as opposed to 5/10 when i used double singles. I am planning on making a new video thats more clear on the gear and how im catching them in samish so everyone can see whats been successful, theyre biting just gotta run the right stuff i think.

And i hear you on the weather lowe!! we did well but i was twisting and turning and freezing in the wind and rain all morning, suprised the kokes were biting so well with the low 40's weather, it was not comfortable! Thanks for watchin the vid too, glad it helps!
wonderful informative video that shows it all.

must be great feed in Sammish this year, deep fat belly big kokes already

it's killer fun when the kokes go on that early season top water first warm up algae feed agressive feeding bite.

email or pm me your mailing address so I can send you a big lunchbox cooler, never cared for battery acid marinated kokes myself.

love your live action brown worm hoochies and the trebles.
Awesome report and fishing! Thanks for sharing the video - I need to work on my editing abilities a bit more you have a much better presentation.
I would like to fish it some time soon. Looks like 105 miles from here, about a 2 hour ish drive. Perhaps I will have to give it a shot in a couple weeks.
Thanks guys! Hope the video was clear enough on my rig, i kinda kept my hands out of the frame for a minute but you can see it at the end. That rig seems to work when everything else is slow, and has been the top producer this year so far, although ive had a few great days with a red/chartreuse wedding ring tipped with corn as well. Couple people have asked about the hook size and leader length. I like to run about a 18-20 inch leader and those are number 10 owner stinger treble hooks, they destroy fish and i dont lose very many!

Thanks for the offer smokin kokes! I actually have a good cooler, but it was early and i left it at home that day, not sure why i decided to put em near the battery, LOL! battery acid marinade isnt quite my favorite either.

Lowe, if your planning on coming, the bite has been WAY better early morning, especially if its a clear day, because the sun has really been slowing things down, if anyone is planning on fishing samish, hit it before 6am, or go on a dark day, fishin in the sun is just plain tough, a bite a hour compared to 10 bites a hour in the morning or cloudy days, good luck if you fish it!

Saw a couple guys from the forum today, im in a 10 foot white livingston with a trolling motor. Gimme a shout if you see me out there! Me and my buddy went 9/14 this morning, only fishing 2 hours!

Yes I was there. I did pull up along side. I did get there late, and it was slow.
It's also a 45 min. drive from my house. Before 6 hard to do. Impossible with my wife. Just have to put up with slow.
yea i hear you, in that case just try and plan trips to samish on overcast, darker days, they are much more productive throughout the entire day comparitively
Thanks for sharing!!! I've always wondered about Samish, and it's good to see you really don't need "hi-tech of stuff" to catch them! I dig it!!!
I do have a question, do you find the color of trebles your using makes a difference, and have you tried other colors?
Again, thanks for sharing, glad to see such a young man such as yourself putting the info out there. There should be alot more folks out there like yourself sharing info on our favorite passtime!!!

Take it easy,

Great vid by the way!!!
thanks! i havent noticed any difference on hook colors, but i have only used silver and black, so not much info in that area.

I have fished samish a few afternoons and a morning. The morning was much better than the afternoons, its getting warm enough to that point where samish is slow after the morning bite for the rest of the day, happened all year last year in june, and it seems to be starting now, every afternoon ive been there this week has been increasingly slower, the morning was on fire. If your going to samish, go early. you will have much better success. Good luck!!! a red wedding ring blade and a chartreuse body tipped on double triple hook with white shoepeg corn has become top producer this week, with dick nite dodger on surface, no downrigger!
On the water at 530am, limit by 830am, landed 10 lost 5. most on surface with wedding rings, a few on riggers at 18 feet, some big fish in the mix today, with most over a pound! My boats name is "The Kokanee Coffin" so if u see me sometime on the lake say hi, met a few members this morning!


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Lake Samish

A little slow today. I got there at 6:00 A.M. There were 5 rigs in the parking lot. 2 were still on the beach. I launched and had a hookup within 5 min. The boat launching after me did the same thing. I trolled about for 4 hours without another hit untilabout 10:00. Trolled another 2 hours then went home. I talked to several boats and heard the same story. one I talked to said " no hits for along time then caught 5 Koks in 20 min. There was a DFW employee at the launch when I came in. She was handing out info on invasive species. She had talked to skippers of ten boats. Same story- not too many fish. As I launched there were fish hitting on the surface. Could not get them to hit anything. Came home with 2 14' Koks. Hope it picks up soon. Fish caught on orange hoochie,pink dodger,pink fire corn-on the surface 100 ft back.
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went 8/20 on samish today, light biters probably because of weather change, all bites before 7:30 and then it was SO DEAD after that. Some on surface, some at 30 feet no real pattern, fish deep were HUGE got a 16, 16.75, 17 and lost one well over 17 inches, got 8 nice ones tho and had plenty close to boat that would have limited us if we could get um those last few feet, talked to a few guys, one guy lost 20 and only landed 3. Something was weird. Anyway, theres fish there, HUGE kokes!!


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