Turn & Burn 5-22-2023

Kokanee Fishing Forums

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Flaming Gorge Forum MODERATOR
Jan 17, 2009
Harrisville, Utah
Decided late Sunday to dump home life for a day to do turn & burn day to the Gorge (Strawberry was in heavy thought too), this is my first trip back to the gorge since 2021 which I usually get 3-4 trips in every year. Leaving at 0300 with my small companion, I would get this stare down look from him like he was thinking "what are you doing to me"? For the next 3hrs he was the one that got more sleep than me. Launched at Lucerne and made my way up lake to Anvil & Wildhorse area. Noticed about 5 other boats out away from Wildhorse in the middle of the lake which on sonar I was marking a lot of fish. Water temp was 56° when first launched, when I trolled thru these marked fish I did not get one taker, not even a pup. I was unable to locate any Kokes. 101thumbsdown101 Changing up almost everything as far as presentation couldn't buy me a bite. 101smily101 I trolled my way back thru the pipeline & into Rawlins Draw, only the occasional blip on sonar. By noon I was watching the sky now as I could see something was brewing. I brought up my rigs just as the big "W" started providing a rough ride back to Lucerne. Water temp was up to 60° by the time I got off the water. When I reached the top of the ramp parking area, Wyoming Fish & Game was there doing a survey. I have never seen them before on the Utah side doing this before. Got back home by 1730.
That sounds like a long day. I have not tried for kokes this year but I hear it has been tough. I was talking with the biologist and he said it will be another tough year for koke anglers this year. We have been doing good on the macs and rainbows so far this year.
you are the last post you have 1,367 views in the last 2 months so some one is still coming here to find out something
I have not been there much this year it is hard to drive that far if your not sure if you will catch anything.
Robert, I get what I can when I can. Its based on my wife's health with a decision that comes at a last minute. A one-day travel appears to be as bad as a 4-day binge with the way things is going at the lakes these days with the collapse of the kokanee fisheries. Because of last minute decisions, I'm a loner for most of my trips. I also know to stay away from the local lakes during the summer, power squadron months.

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