Flaming Gorge Forum MODERATOR
Ryno, I like my Walkers. I started with the Tournament Series that had just the short 2' arms with autostop. I upgraded the same riggers to the auto weight retrieval system with autostop which required a longer boom to 4'. With the rigger sitting at a low profile on the gunnel, weight retrieval will swing the weight in at the boat. While this is viewed as a con, it is fixable by either installing a 6" stantion which is under the downrigger (recommended) or I found a way by adjusting the autostop where the weight slows down just before its full up travel rest. The up/down switch is simple with a center neutral position. When you push up its moving, when you push down its moving too and the weight splashes in the water,there is no slow speed. It is not a spring loaded switch to put you back in the neutral position when you release it. The lag time Dave mentioned is only with that one DR. The switch is getting a little tired. The other DR is performing well and does not have lag time. I have the lifetime warranty with these riggers which requires me to send them in for certain maintenance. The switch will be replaced eventually but as long as it keeps functioning and I start noticing a drastic change is when it will go in for repair and hopefully not during the fishing season. I'm on my 8th year now with these DR's. Big Jon, Cannon, & Walker are the top 3 direct gear drive downrigger systems that are competing with each other. Scotty on the other hand is not in this class uses a belt system which I'm not sold on but have seen them perform well. How often is the belt recommended for replacement or those who use it wait for it to fail? This is my opinion only. Storing a spare belt may not see usage for a while going thru a dry rot condition yet you would want to have that spare. We all spend good top dollar amounts no matter what DR we get. But like any mechanical or electrical item, something will require maintenance later on. I'm more of a believer in preventative maintenance. But SHT happens.