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Kokanee Fishing Forums

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Been out working, It sucks but gotta support my bad habits, Like KOKANEE FISHING. Buying Lotsa new Stuff!!
It still a little early in the year so I've been getting all my gear ready & will start on the boat as soon as it stops SNOWING!!!
I still cant get in to my RV at Merwin, too much white stuff BUT I did see a couple of Really Brave ?? guys out trolling at Merwin last Sat. I was down at the dock checking things out but I didnt hang around long enough to see if they did any good! laugh hyst
Went for a ride last weekend up at Pineview and over to East Canyon. Lots of ice with numerous fishermen out. But hearing the ice is getting real slushy. Its been an exceptionally warm week here with temp hovering near 50 degrees with some rain. Snow is melting fast. If this keeps up, ice off could happen alot sooner. Lakes out here are starting to see a rise with water. Jordanelle sounds like they can get a boat launched now but only in small area. Starting to get excited. tooexcited

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