Who uses braid?

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Breaded vs mono

I agree with super D x2 in the first part of the season, the kokanee are developing in size faster than bones there for soft mouth, were the Fsh are pulling off. Braided line compound the problem, I agree for jigging braided is absolutely fine. I'm a 10 # Max guy. Braided line is also a floating line also. I have been using Chamberlain releases for years braided line is slick doesn't work well with releases. In the salt that's all I use is braided lines for bottom fsh/ Salmon etc. I run 4 cannon DR these are my choices that work for me.
I have the water wolf also. I feel braid is not a good idea using in conjunction with. I've lost enough lures trolling along or near the bottom using braid. The terrain in our lakes are not flat. Also I agree that the camera is designed to be used inline. It comes with about 3 different size weights to be used in the type of fishing you are doing along with the style of lure. I have 1 rod that's dedicated to the wolf using 25lb mono. Getting hung up and losing a wolf with a lure is an expensive rig as much as $175. 101shock1101

Sounds like good advice Bduck. The problem with fishing Shaver Lake Ca. is the old dam and saw mill are still at the bottom of the lake. If your not very careful you can get yourself in trouble really quick. I did spool the braid on my reel as I plan to go fishing tomorrow. I will give the braid a shot and replace it with a heavier mono as you suggest. I just want to be sure that I have every advantage in the event I need to try and retrieve my cam again. Thanks for the advice, Jim
Roger, what would your reservations be of using heavy braid to the camera and light mono leader aft of the camera? Braid diameter is a fraction of mono so 25 lbs braid would look like 8 lbs mono diameter wise.

That was my plan its just that I need to keep the troll and lure fairly close to the cam or I won't catch any of the action. I put 10 lb braid and it is so strong I couldn't break it. it is also very small and I don't think it will be seen. I will give it a try tomorrow and see how it goes. If it doesn't work out then I will do like Bduck suggested and put a heavy mono on it. Thanks, for the input, Jim
No amount of strength of braid will keep it from getting shredded when it runs over sharp edges of the submerged Rocky Mountains. How many times have we all had to maintain the terrain as it changes with our downriggers, most of the time successful but there are those times we get caught off guard and lose a rig. For this reason none of my reels are not spooled with braid. It doesn't mean it still can't happen with mono but I have a better success rate keeping what I have. I do like the strength of braid at its smaller diameters but its not in my interest to lose a water wolf. Even with lead core I ended up cutting line after the bow would scrape ground. And yes I do use a lighter leader after the wolf. Only common sense would have me lose a lure rather than a wolf. Ive walked away as with many anglers leaving behind hooks, lines, and sinkers in many lakes. On occasion shedding a tear crymeariver thinking "that was my favorite lure".
No amount of strength of braid will keep it from getting shredded when it runs over sharp edges of the submerged Rocky Mountains. How many times have we all had to maintain the terrain as it changes with our downriggers, most of the time successful but there are those times we get caught off guard and lose a rig. For this reason none of my reels are not spooled with braid. It doesn't mean it still can't happen with mono but I have a better success rate keeping what I have. I do like the strength of braid at its smaller diameters but its not in my interest to lose a water wolf. Even with lead core I ended up cutting line after the bow would scrape ground. And yes I do use a lighter leader after the wolf. Only common sense would have me lose a lure rather than a wolf. Ive walked away as with many anglers leaving behind hooks, lines, and sinkers in many lakes. On occasion shedding a tear crymeariver thinking "that was my favorite lure".

Yeah, I know what you mean. I always use lighter leader material past my water wolf. I think I will juat putting a heavier mono on my spool and use that rod for my cam . Thanks for the input, Jim
Chaimberlain Release

--Anyone tried the Chaimberlain Release with braid?
--It is magnetic adjusted and stainless wire so wouldn't have braid cutting issue.
--I got one this winter but haven't had a chance to try it yet.
--The double setting ... release to rod and release to fish was what I was interested in as some of the lakes I fish tend to get some very small shore spawning kokanee on deep and doesn't trigger the downrigger.

I do love the Chaimberlain Release once you get it set you don't have to worry about it until you change to something that has more drag. It would be hard for someone to get me to go to a different type of release.
I've been using braid for probably 10 years with great success. The chamberlain release is one of the primary reasons I switched - I had my mono snap at the loop I had twisted for the release several times. I'm a big fan of the release, so I switched to braid. I use eagle claw noodle rods and ultralight lamiglas and vance's koke rods so I feel like my hook to catch ratio is as good or better than it was on mono. I use 10 or so feet of 10lb mono or fluorocarbon on the business end of the rig. I generally use a double uniknot at the splice, and a fishin' fool knot for terminal tackle, but if you learn the palomar knot, you can tie it in the dark with your eyes closed. After a couple of years, I wind braid from one reel on to another, using what was the unused back end of the line up front.

I sent this to Dave

I use 12 p line fluorocarbon on my 4 koke rods I use to use 10 lb line I use a duo-Lock snaps on the end of that line.
on the camera (back side to wards the fishing rod) I have a good barrel swivel.
on the front of the camera (towards the dodger) I have a barrel swivel with interlock snap.
then about 10" of leader to the dodger so the camera is about 15" away from the dodger (on that 10" leader I use duo-Lock snaps)
I put silver tape on the side of the camera I think that brings fish to it.
On the duo-Lock snaps I use a Palomar knot I have not lost one yet. but I have got water in by the O rings and lost two cameras that way (My fault).they have changed the new ones and they are a lot better.

I told him I use fluorocarbon but I use Pline Floroclear 12 test LB on my reals
in the video there is a 36" leader from the dodger to the Lure using 15 lb Pline
after the water wolf you can see how I hook to the dodger
I use a big scotty realse, here I'm fishing for cutthroat trout
I have had 3 cameras out at the same time to see if kokanee go up are down, after you see them and go to the next set up.
I'm down to one camera now


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