Well-known member
I don't have any Kokanee to eat right now. Just in case I ever catch another one violin, I'd like to know how you guys smoke them. What equipment do you use, and what recipe? Thanks for the help, and Merry Xmas!
I have never had enough to do this if its around 2 weeks somethings wrongand throw in freezer.
I found this brine along time ago and I have been real happy with it. It is a dry brine and you just pack it in and around the kokes. the origional mix had allot of other ingrediants but the most important thing is equal amounts of brown suger and salt, mixed together. you can throw in bay leaves, pepper etc, but the salt sucks the mosture out of the meat while the brown suger adds some sweetness, . put in fridge over nite and the fillets will be floating in moisture by morning, (make sure it is in a deep enough pan or you willl have a mess) rinse off filets and smoke until done. this gets the fillets real nice and firm and not mushy. just another point allways put your kokes on ice after catching them, if you don't you have mushy kokeshappy holidays to all.....
They sell sea salt here in the grocery store next to the mortons Its just a preference of mine I use it in all my cooking I used to use plain salt for years and I just started using it recently .Must be good to have that much Koke!GVF...What is sea salt? Also, the reason I package them "and throw in freezer" is I smoke a batch pretty much every weekend throughout the season...gotta save a few for the winter time!
HiTechKoke, you said you skin your fillet's before you smoke. I would like to do this but always have trouble with meat sticking to the wire. What's your secret? Do you do anything special to prepare the metal? Or is your brine enough to keep the meat from sticking? I would really like to know because I much prefer skinning my fillet's over scaling them.
Here's mine for all types of fish.
1/3 C brown sugar
1/4 C non-iodized salt
2 C soy sauce
1 C water
1/2 tsp onion powder
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp pepper
1/2 tsp Tabasco sauce
1 C white wine
Refrigerate fish in brine - 8 hours
Remove and do not rinse
Lay on paper towels let dry like this for several hours
Smoke 6-8 hrs depending on how you like it.
Apply smoke for 3 hours, then maintain heat at about 140-150 until texture is right.
Rotate racks every hour
Can baste with mixture equal to 2 tablespoons honey to 1 tablespoon water while drying.
If you like a less "salty" flavor replace one of the cups of soy sauce with water.
If you prefer not to use wine substitute apple juice.
With my bradley it consistently takes 5 hours with an outside temp in the 70's