Fishin on the 4th of July

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Well-known member
May 21, 2009
West Jordan, Utah
Hit the water with the rest of the valley, started off rather slow.. switched out alot of gear and finally found a few takers green mini squids and green wedding rings...I personally have never had luck with green...ended up being a pretty good day...:) IMG_3375.jpgPART_1436121424480.jpegPART_1436121424582.jpeg
Nice haul, the kokes at Strawberry turned off of orange this weekend and had to do the same to find the finicky lil things something they liked.
I just gotta get back up to the Berry before the Koke season dwindles there. 101sweatinit101 101sweatinit101
Nice going! I fished up there the past 3 days and caught nothing but a bunch of cutts and bows! Wonder if I'm doing something wrong??
I even tried green for a while.
Oh well… Just when I think I have 'em figured out I get humbled.
Be back in a few weeks.
Hey guys. First time poster here. Be gentle with me!

Finally broke down and bought some downriggers for my boat (Tracker). Having fun catching kokanee at Strawberry. Maiden voyage with the new downriggers was Monday, June 29. Caught 7 kokes and about 30 or so cuts. Zero rainbows. Lost quite a few. Best bite was from 10 am - Noon.

Did a revenge trip on Friday, July 3rd. Caught 9 kokes and about 15 cuts. Bite was slow but steady. Ironically, the hottest time was 1-3 pm. Go figure.

Heading back up this Saturday.
Hit the water with the rest of the valley, started off rather slow.. switched out alot of gear and finally found a few takers green mini squids and green wedding rings...I personally have never had luck with green...ended up being a pretty good day...:)View attachment 8140View attachment 8141View attachment 8142

Green is usually not a go to color on the gorge, but there are times that green will produce when nothing else will. Any koke fisherman worth his salt will have some green in his tackle box, nice fish btw
Tim, I've literally got hundreds of almost every color and a little bag of 5 green lures.
Thanks guys.. haha I was lucky I could scrape enough green together to get a hook-up...just kidding I have green just never had a hook-up on is the next worse color I could pick..:)

Nice job El Duderino...:)

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