How long do you use corn after openning the can?

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Well-known member
Mar 31, 2013
Western Wasington
I fished Gulp maggots exclusively last year.(with some "tweaking")

Took corn (with scent) and maggots on my first outing this year...Corn was the deal that day.

My question is...After you open the can and make your batch for the outing. How long will you use the UN_SCENTED, raw corn?

I refrigerate after long will the "raw" corn stay good?.

Thanks, as usual, for the help.
I buy plastic jars with lids and mix a can of corn in say 3 different jars with different scents. Kept refrigerated, I'll fish those jars until one of the flavors runs out. I can get a month or 2 out of a batch. If I open a large can, I freeze the unused raw corn.
I mix up four containers of my choice of mixed flavors and if kept on ice it will last a long weekend ( we have 25 fish limits and 4 guys can go thru a can of corn pretty fast ) if you are not using the whole can, then I would try freezing it. the main thing your are looking for is firm cornels if they are soft or mushy I would get another can but they will probably fish, just not stay on the hook or hold scent as long. at .99 cents a can I don't take the chance
I've got several friends that fish last years corn and catch limits. dragonfly, I think you are under estimating the staying power of corn. Think toilet bowl. LOL!
yea I hear you there. freezing like you said would work I just want I have the best it can be before travelling 100- 200 miles to my favorite lake. dfly
After opening a new can i first drain it then lay the entire contents out on paper towels and pat dry. Removing as much water as possible helps to keep the unused portion from getting mushy when stored in the freezer imho. I've used corn stored this way from one season to the next and seen no difference in catch rate.
I only use my scented batches for couple trips. I sprinkle with Wizard kokanee killer korn magic (firms up the oiled kernals), store in the ice chest when out on the water, and freeze between trips.
I'm with SilverBullets, I mix up 4 different flavors, keep them in the ice box on the lake and freeze them until the next time. Usually always catch fish
I fished Gulp maggots exclusively last year.(with some "tweaking")

Took corn (with scent) and maggots on my first outing this year...Corn was the deal that day.

My question is...After you open the can and make your batch for the outing. How long will you use the UN_SCENTED, raw corn?

I refrigerate after long will the "raw" corn stay good?.

Thanks, as usual, for the help.

when i open a can of corn i drain the liquid from the can and dump the corn into a glass jar with an airtight lid, i have used the same can of corn for an entire season before (say 8-10 trips spread out over 5 months) and each time i am done i re-freeze the corn, i catch kokanee each time i go out so i just keep repeating the same process, ill let you know when it stops working for me, and for some reason i never do well with the gulp maggots for kokanee but the rainbows in my area go crazy for the gulp maggots
Thanks for the input Guys.

In my salmon and steelhead fishing I use a lot of roe and shrimp. I have always been a stickler that I want my bait to be the best it can be (kind of what dragon fly was talking about).

I could see the "scented" corn start to soften after a few days in the fridge (I keep in kooler when on boat). But the unscented corn left over from my outing still looks good (thanks for the patting dry tip).

Sounds like the corn (raw canned corn) holds up longer than I would have thought.

Thanks much
I use some of the old plastic 35mm film canisters. I open a can of corn, fill the plastic canisters about 3/4 full, add a bit of the corn juice to help prevent freezer burn, and put them in the freezer. When I add scent, I let the container sit out for a while so the corn can absorb it, and then put the container in the freezer. I take one or two containers on a trip, and refreeze when I get back home. I always carry an unopened can of corn with me in case I run out. On the rare occasion I need to open the spare can, I've not noticed any difference in the catch rates. Any small plastic container would work. You might even try small medicine bottles from your friendly drug store.
BTW:::: I just talked to a friend of mine who's a Pautzke pro staffer.

Pautzke is changing their Fire corn to "NEW" fire corn SHOEPEG....coming in 6 colors I believe.

So...if you ever wanted "Fire Corn" to be made from Shoepeg....your wish has been granted. thumbsup

I don't think it's on the shelf yet....but soon.
If a koke can discern what variety of corn it is after marinating in Pautzke's juice for 6 months I'll be very surprised.
Well I have never used Pautzke Corn so I cannot speak for it's effectiveness.

But, their Egg cure (fire cure and borxofire) is PRIMO and a salmon and steelhead slayer. thumbsup
I fall into "corn is CHEAP" category.....comparatively speaking that is one of the cheapest baits available. As much time, money, and miles as we devote to kokanee fishing I believe fresh is best. I'm not saying I never use last weeks refrigerated corn, but 99% of the time if it isn't used that weekend it gets tossed. I'm not spending $20-50 in fuel a days time and possibly friends time or worse yet out of town friends and a day off of work...take a chance on $.25-.50 worth of corn?? Sorry not gonna happen. Worst case, I could buy 300 cans of corn for one botched bait trip and that's if I am fishing local on a day off, traveling long distance I take enough to make fresh every day plus extra in case of an accident.
I'm a fish, freeze, fish, freeze guy too. It's corn, not sea food. It just needs to stay on the hook and give the fish something to focus on. I'm sure depth, lure, lure action, boat speed, location, time of day, planet alignment ect all have more to do with catching fish than corn freshness.
I fall into "corn is CHEAP" category.....comparatively speaking that is one of the cheapest baits available. As much time, money, and miles as we devote to kokanee fishing I believe fresh is best. I'm not saying I never use last weeks refrigerated corn, but 99% of the time if it isn't used that weekend it gets tossed. I'm not spending $20-50 in fuel a days time and possibly friends time or worse yet out of town friends and a day off of work...take a chance on $.25-.50 worth of corn?? Sorry not gonna happen. Worst case, I could buy 300 cans of corn for one botched bait trip and that's if I am fishing local on a day off, traveling long distance I take enough to make fresh every day plus extra in case of an accident.

Ditto on that!
Before I go fishing I open a new can of corn, drain, sprinkle on some pro-cure Kokanee Killer Korn Magic and let it sit in the fridge over night. If it doesnt get used within two days it goes in the garbage. When people come to me and pay money to catch fish I'm not gonna take the chance of using some week old corn or stuff thats been frozen. Its $2 a can. Cheap insurance for me I guess. I buy it a case at a time too. Comes out to just over a buck a can

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