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Kokanee Fishing Forums

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  1. rainORsnow1

    2013 Lake Billy Chinook Repot Thread

    Which camp ground is it that's open right now?
  2. rainORsnow1

    2013 Lake Billy Chinook Repot Thread

    Anybody been to LBC lately fishing kokes or bulls?
  3. rainORsnow1

    Tv Fishing Shows

    Sad thing about joy of fishing is they haven't had a new show in years. Guess one of the crew got seriously sick or something. It used to be my favorite show and I would actually set aside time to watch it. I love the columbia giants episode and the portland springer episodes. As these are the...
  4. rainORsnow1

    2013 Green Peter Report Thread

    Heard reports already of bigger fish. So far my biggest this year has been the typical 10-12". Look forward to seeing wat this fishery does this year. On another note, it sure is nice to see this site wake up. Was definetley a ghost town think I only saw the moderators posting things for the...
  5. rainORsnow1

    2013 Lake Billy Chinook Repot Thread

    I was there a month ago. (Sorry a little late for a report)Found fish at 80' for easy limit. Fish were very lathargic and whimpy fighters due to the cold weather. Two of the fish were this years fish and had bright blood red meat. I'm either going to LBC or GP Saturday. So I will be giving a...
  6. rainORsnow1

    Downrigger Releases

    I run two Scotty mini releases and four Shasta releases. I swear by the Shasta releases. I love the adjusting screw. But the only complaint is I can't run mono on them very well without false releases. Hence why I run two Scotty's. All my rods are spooled with braid except two anyways. Works out...
  7. rainORsnow1

    Metolius arm Lake Bill Chinook

    I'm planning a trip for next weekend. Is bulls still slow? Mr.M if u go before then please include a report. (We got our first springer yesterday, lucky)
  8. rainORsnow1

    2012 Official Green Peter Report Thread this is a link to the gp water levels. It fluctuates and toe of the ramp is at 919. But yes thistle is year round. But I was out Feb.3 and fishing was really slow and most fish are staging really deep. Me personally I'm gonna wait till...
  9. rainORsnow1

    2012 Official Green Peter Report Thread

    Bought mine from there's a link on this site. They have everything u want. Buy them now though. They sold out last year. By the way.... fishing at gp is very slow right now in case anyone was wondering
  10. rainORsnow1


    Did anybody ever find out when the opener is? I can't find any regs...
  11. rainORsnow1

    Mobile App to find thermocline

    Very cool. I wish it had more lakes. Mainly Oregon lakes seeing how that's wat I fish. But still very cool tool. Thanks for posting
  12. rainORsnow1

    Sonar Screenshot thread

    If u Google about the blue fish it brings you to hummingbirds site and it explains it in depth. When its running off two different freq. they are represented as the two different colors. Pretty cool.
  13. rainORsnow1

    2012 Official Green Peter Report Thread

    Anybody know if the roads are clear? Heading up tomorrow. Don't wanna take any chances Got some info from another site that the water may be too low for me to launch. I have a little 14'smoker craft. Anybody tell me if I'm OK or not?
  14. rainORsnow1


    I got a score to settle with this lake. I can't wait for the opened! I'm gonna hit it real hard for 4 solid days. I walked away looking real silly last year. Crosses my mind all the time. I'm coming for u wickiup! Ha!fencing
  15. rainORsnow1 you rock!

    Its online. Be sweet if they did open a shop though
  16. rainORsnow1 you rock!

    Just wanna rep they recently moved to the Portland, Oregon area from Idaho and because of their move they personally delivered my Jared Johnson special. Guy is excited to learn the Oregon lakes. Show your support visit great site!
  17. rainORsnow1

    timothy kokanee kill off

    Sounds like your agenda is a fat ticket and losing your license to me. Bad form.....
  18. rainORsnow1

    Year in Review, What an AWESOME year!

    Man that kids got some real connections! Good job on your year
  19. rainORsnow1

    timothy kokanee kill off

    Whoa dude. U have an agenda obviously. But wasn't it u talking about throwing fish on the bank? That's pretty brutal if u ask me. But anyways. That's a great idea kenamatic!
  20. rainORsnow1

    timothy kokanee kill off

    I'm really hoping it works that way. Being from portland and just acquiring the kokanee bug this last season, it gets old driving all over the place in search of the big guys. I literally put 12000 miles on my new truck just this season. Great to get to fish all those beautiful lakes. But if I...