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Kokanee Fishing Forums

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  1. crjahn

    Fly rod - Ultralight - Kokanee plugs

    Very nice looking plugs I like the old time wood idea. What are going after with those little jewels? If you were going to target Kokanee I too would drill through and run my line through with a bead or two and a double hook setup. Next I’d work with some of the proven Kokanee color schemes and...
  2. crjahn

    Pictures from Wickiup 2009

    My Dad is tougher than your dad, stop it. I agree with all who posted but let me explain, repeat “IT”S NOT ABOUT NUMBERS”, its about letting people know the value of the KOKANEE FISHERY and our effort to protect, preserver, enhance and sustain it. It is ONE of the few fisheries where retaining...
  3. crjahn

    Terminal gear attachment method

    I pre-tie mine with the smallest barrel swivel I can get usally 8 to 12 inches of line sometimes shorter depending what I'm tieing up. If I need to go longer no problem extra line ect ect, shorter cut to length and retie. Some days you can get by without any dodgers, just mainline smallest...
  4. crjahn

    Scotty Downriggers and Black Boxes

    Same problem, connector to big to go through downrigger weight. I hate it when things don't fit for they intended purpose. I could jerry rig it but I won't ,thats not why I bit on it. fish on crjahn
  5. crjahn

    Double Hook Rigging...

    hooked Don't let the fish bit back, care should be used when unhooking a tandem hook set-up. One time while trolling for browns with heaver gear I hooked a really nice bull kokanee on a rapala. I reeled him in an proceeded to take the hooks out and you know the rest, kokanee revenge. The more I...
  6. crjahn

    Hoochie Tricks & Tips

    Question where did you get just the shovel heads? I've looked but can"t seem to locate them. thank you crjahn
  7. crjahn

    picture test Nice Kokanee from oregon

    Sorry Guy's didn't mean to miss inform anybody but the picture are last years fish. I was just seeing if I could post any pictures and I was getting some help posting, not sure I can do it by myself. Again my mistake for not being more accurate. If you made a trip to LBC you proabley got fish if...
  8. crjahn

    picture test Nice Kokanee from oregon

    My son in march Lake Billychinook. Some nice Kokanee from Green Peter. Enjoy the pic's.......... FISH ON!!!!
  9. crjahn

    What hook size and type do you use?

    hooks I use #4 fine wire hooks in black or red tied half inch apart. I prefer black but sometimes the fish prefer red. I keep the hooks pointed the sameway when using corn, or anything else on the hooks. I don't want the corn or bait spinning. After a hook-up you may need to reajust or retie...
  10. crjahn

    Your KFF Name?

    One I can remember !! fish on