2017 Lucky Peak Reservoir Kokanee Fishing Report

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Thanks for the update. I'll probably head up Friday morning..... Tomorrow morning I will need to go into Boise to cash my $700,000,000 lotto ticket. laugh hystlaugh hystlaugh hyst
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A limit

I just got back from Lucky Peak. I got five nice kokanee in an hour and a half. It took me another hour and 15 minutes to get the last fish. All were caught near Spring Shores. I used my three bladed silver trolls with pink spinners and shoe peg corn with no scent. One line was 75 feet out with 2 ounces of weight and the other was 100 feet out with an ounce and a half of weight. Trolling speed was between 1.5 and 1.7 mph. A great day compared to the others I've had on LP this year. I hope to see some more days like this.
I just got back from Lucky Peak. I got five nice kokanee in an hour and a half. It took me another hour and 15 minutes to get the last fish. All were caught near Spring Shores. I used my three bladed silver trolls with pink spinners and shoe peg corn with no scent. One line was 75 feet out with 2 ounces of weight and the other was 100 feet out with an ounce and a half of weight. Trolling speed was between 1.5 and 1.7 mph. A great day compared to the others I've had on LP this year. I hope to see some more days like this.

Congratulation Physion! That was great!
I was fishing in Goose Neck Bay and troll toward the water pipe by Spring Shore. Fish with both DR and varied depth and didn't set up long line pole. I got no bite in 3.5 hrs trolling.

Have a nice week end.
Saturday at LP

Finally made it back up to LP for a dose of man therapy. (BSU football, cigars, a touch of bourbon, food and BS'ing) Whilst plying our trade, accidentally quite a nice number of fish decided to interrupt the proceedings.

Slow start with only a couple of the baby 10" Chinooks and a $#*^ing squaw fish for the first two hours. Just about the time we decided that the only thing interested was these juvenile salmon we finally got a koke and it was healthy and had the nice football shape to it's 15"es. Slowly but surely throughout the rest of the day a nice collection of exact clones joined the fun. We got the first one at 13ft and had to drop 2ft per hour to keep things consistent. It ended up being a pretty busy day when you added up all of the baby Chinooks with the Kokanee. Also may have finally found an adult Chinook as we had something hammer a setup, rip off line, and then the leader gave up at the lure. Most likely the leader was compromised because it had been battle tested fifty plus times without being replaced and I'm lazy and don't bother changing things out every trip. Regardless what ever grabbed on this time was a more significant player than your everyday LP aquatic invertebrate!

Macks four blade silver troll lite long leader (using five plus feet now) to Macks orange WR spinner with a silver hammer blade. I've been using two WR spinner setups one stock blade with a treble hook and the other has a notch larger spinner blade. The larger blade seems very slightly more active but I have not kept absolute track.

Average 2.3 mph trolled 40ft back of the DR ball down only 10ft through 18ft with white shoe-peg soaked in tuna oil and blue herring oil. Also caught alot of baby Chinooks on the same setup with bullet weights 3/4 ounce total back 110ft. No kokes on this setup so we know we were not in the exact water column/depth but once again...too lazy to bother hunting and the two DR setups offered plenty of action that was interrupting the relaxing. (re-lighting your cigar over and over is bad juju)

I've said this before on this site...and I'm really not joking. We started to catch kokes after we lit up! They seem to actually like it!101idea101

Lots of bites not far from ramp between 8-11 am. Down 25' 1.5 mph on pink squid,silver dodger . Zigzagging around. Landed 4 Kokes,4 trout. Had to sit in front of my AC cause it was so hot. Too hot to cook bacon.


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Going to head back up on Tuesday morning. I am not big on fishing on weekends and holidays during the summer. Was going to go for the past few weeks but have been getting side tracked. Being retired has its benefits. Hope you guys left a few.

Going to head back up on Tuesday morning. I am not big on fishing on weekends and holidays during the summer. Was going to go for the past few weeks but have been getting side tracked. Being retired has its benefits. Hope you guys left a few.

See u there. Green / white crestliner. Pirate flag. Sardine scent working well
Good day fishing in the smoke.

Had a wonderful day on Lucky Peak today catching up with an old friend. 2 poles, 12 Kokes, 6 trout, and a bunch of baby Chinook (released). Fished for about 7 hours in the Birch Creek area. 20-30 feet deep, 50 foot setback, at 2mph. Best rig for kokanee was a pink/orange kokanee fly 12 inches behind a pink sling blade tipped with shoepeg in tuna juice. The kokes were in very good condition fat and sassy!
Fished Lucky Peak yesterday. Using 2 downriggers and tried various depths and speeds. First few hours all I got was tail slaps kicking pole from downrigger clip. Was trolling then at 1.9.
Changed depth to 29 ft on both rods, changed speed to 1.6 to 1.7, and did tons of s turns through where I was marking fish. Caught 2 13 to 14 inch kokes and had lots of misses over the next hour.

Fished Lucky Peak yesterday. Using 2 downriggers and tried various depths and speeds. First few hours all I got was tail slaps kicking pole from downrigger clip. Was trolling then at 1.9.
Changed depth to 29 ft on both rods, changed speed to 1.6 to 1.7, and did tons of s turns through where I was marking fish. Caught 2 13 to 14 inch kokes and had lots of misses over the next hour.

went today was slow tried everything and depth ( longlining ) 1 Kok 14 in 2 trout 16-17 in - they fight twice as hard as a Kok - released 1 chinook and 1 small tagged trout - cold and windy till around 11 am killed a SQUAW fish Got to watch some firefighters rappelling from chopper ( training ) was cool
Went up to LP on Wed with my wife. Boy was it smokey and hardly anybody there. Only one other boat trailer in the east parking lot. Fished from 9:30 to 3:30. Initially started with 2 lines, using 2oz and 3oz weights, long-lining. One with a ford fender and orange spinner, one with a pink/green Kokabow dodger with a pink hoochie. Marked fish from the low teens to 30' down but couldn't get any to bite. Finally caught our first fish after about an hour but it was a squaw fish. Had 1 or 2 other quick hits but no hookups. Set up a third line on my downrigger using another ford fender and orange hoochie. Set depth to 21'/22'. No action until we went around the corner through the narrows to the bay on the left. Finally got some action on the downrigger and landed our first Koke. Dialed in the other lines to be fishing in the low 20s. All lines started getting hits and we were finally getting some Kokes in the boat. But the trout bite was really on as well. Not sure why, but I bet every other fish we landed was a trout. Ended up landing 9 very nice Kokes (most at 14"+/-, but a couple really fat ones pushing 15"). All were silvery, mostly hefty, and I think all were next year's fish as the females had very immature roe in them. We also caught 8 or 9 trout (13-14"), keeping 5 and releasing the others. We also fished down from that bay to Birch Creek, catching a few Kokes and trout along the way, but the best luck was in that first bay (where we returned later in the afternoon to catch several more). Both the trout and Kokes were hitting really hard, zipping off line and setting off the clickers like crazy (which is a lot of fun to hear) and jumping out of the water. Very few subtle taps. Big fighters all the way to the boat, but we didn't lose any at the boat. My wife is a great netter! :) Did lose a few before they got close to the boat - otherwise known as normal Kokanee fishing. Lots of fun!

And finally, I hate to admit this. My wife caught a tagged trout and I didn't know what it was. How embarrassing! In 20+ years of fishing in this area, I had never caught one nor seen one caught. So I didn't know what a tagged trout looks like. My bad! I just thought it was somehow foul-hooked some time back, with some weird line/lure still hanging on. Duh! It didn't seem to be bothering the trout and so I didn't want to mess with it - possibly making it worse. So we released it and it happily swam away. As I now know, some of those tags actually have a reward on them. Who knows if this one had a reward. I know, what a dork! Probably will never catch another one, but Live and Learn!

2004 Tracker Targa V16: beige w/ green stripe and green canopy, 75hp 4-str Merc


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seeing a trend

....after reading some posts and comparing what happened for us on the last trip I think I see a pattern for LP. We've noticed orange works shallow and best once the sun gets up on the water. We have had almost no action on orange unless the sun is out on the water. So because I'm a "fisherman" and proper fishing means lines wet by pre-dawn we have spent the first two to three hours of several days at LP puttering around bored. Then just like magic and just like described in other posts the action starts up once the sun is up and the "net" result is just another great day of koke fishing at LP.

The other thing I'm starting to think is that if you are fishing 20ft or down you better have on pink. So orange shallow and pink deeper...go get em
Male Red Kok.

My wife and I fishing in LP yesterday from 9 til 2:00PM. We caught 3 Kok about 13". One fish was red color, I thought the spawning in LP already done for this year? The other 2 were silver. Beside that we caught 6 Chinook (released), no trout and squaw fish. DR from 20' ~ 30'. Long line 1.5oz sinker 3 blades flasher + Kokabow pink spinner.
LP level is 18' down, Tunner Gulch ramp 5 docks section in the water. All other camping boat docks around the reservoir were dry. Time of the year, after Labor day the level of the reservoir drops about 2.5'/day.


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Where are fishing Poles?

Yesterday my wife and I went fishing in LP and also testing the new Garmin echoMap 53CV. After I parked the trailer, I walked down the ramp and saw my wife walking up. I thought she forgot something in the truck or she need to go to the rest room. Then when she asked:
Where are the fishing poles?
I forgot all the Kok. fishing poles at home.
I just laugh and said: They still hang on the garage ceiling. Dang! Every fishing gears were on the boat except Kokanee fishing rod and reels.
I never see that disappointing on her face... In my mind there were few spare fishing rod in the fishing rod compartment. And yes there were two 4.5' rod for crappie fishing but only one has a tiny spinning reel. So the solution to catch fish was she fish with the pole with reel. I fish with the other pole with the spool of fishing line (~ 100 yard left).
It was windy, so we start from Charcoal creek toward the dam, I caught the first fish by the Pipeling Gulch with the DR at 10'. That was fun to reel the fish in with the spool on left hand and short fishing pole on the right hand, the width of the spool about 1/2" wide so many time I missed that gap when I wind the line up. We net the first kokanee then she had fish bite on her pole. After we caught 2 fish then it's quiet for about an hour. Then I heard a whistle, people yelled for help and I look around. There were a boat on the other side with men use jackets wave at us. I honk the horn to answer then we took all fishing lines up then run toward them. There were two fishermen on the fiberglass boat.

We ran out of gas!!!

We towed them 1.76 miles back to Turner Gulch boat ramp (According the Garmin 53CV) at the speed 6.3 MPH. They ask to paid us for the gas but we didn't take it and then we ran up to Goose Neck Bay.

There were 2 boats fishing in this area. There were 2 fishermen on the boat net fish, later I got a chance to ask for the fishing depth. 30' they said. The line on my wife fishing reel was about ~50' long, so she barely let the line down to that depth. We caught 3 more kok at that depth, 3 good size trout(released) 1 little Chinook (released). So that wasn't bad day fishing at all :).

Garmin 53CV echoMap. It was on sale on Labor Day so I bought it. The unit is working very good and there were many functions, bells and whistle that I need to learn. The map chart at LP has shore line display and doesn't have 1' contour like Deadwood Res. It has satellite speed that I really like when trolling, I still have struggle with the sonar reading and zoom option for fish...

Boat docks at Turner Gulch probably dry today, last section dock floated yesterday. I don't know when portable dock will be install. Water level down 26' as of today.

Fall is coming very quick. Good luck for fishing at LP.
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Beautiful Day

We fished from 10 am. to 4 pm. 2 poles, 8 Kokanee and 4 rainbow and a bunch of small Chinook. Caught the majority at about 20 feet on dodgers and Orange/Pink Kokanee flies.

A bit slow but not bad and one of the prettiest days of the year.
Put in at Spring shores yesterday. No dock and a muddy shore. They are dropping the water level fast. Fished mostly in the Gooseneck bay area. Caught only 2 Kokes and 2 Trout. Other people in the area seemed to be doing better than us. We had a hard time keeping those little chinooks off the line. More than half the time you couldn't even tell they were on. We dragged several of them around for quite a while before checking our lines. Both Kokanee we caught were at 23' on dw on pink sling blade and pink spinner/fly.
Will try to put in at Turner today. Hopefully there is still the little dock in the water.
Thanks for boat dock info.

Thank you for the information about the boat ramp and dock at Spring shore, I'll launch my at Turner Gulch ramp. I'll be on the Blue top riverboat. See ya
Didn't do good. :)

It was nice to meet you KokaneeJoe. Thank you for your post today that help me saving my time to tow my boat up to Spring Shore Marina.
We didn't do good today. We start fishing about noon at Charcoal Creek, in 5 minutes my wife got a Chinook at 15' on DR. About 15 minutes later I caught a trout at 10' then nothing hit about an hour. We run up to Spring Shore and fishing there, there were few boats fishing in the area but there weren't much action.

My friend got his kok limit and 5 trout on last Sunday. He fish with long line pole, 4 oz sinker, Ford fender + kokabow orange and ~80' line out. I tried same setup today and didn't get any bite. :) Most fishermen quit at 2:00PM. We troll back to Goose Neck Bay and caught 1 more small Chinook.

Water level 58' down as of today, water temp ~63 deg. Portable boat dock fully float.

Hopefully we'll catch some kok on next trip.

It was nice to meet you KokaneeJoe. Thank you for your post today that help me saving my time to tow my boat up to Spring Shore Marina.
We didn't do good today. We start fishing about noon at Charcoal Creek, in 5 minutes my wife got a Chinook at 15' on DR. About 15 minutes later I caught a trout at 10' then nothing hit about an hour. We run up to Spring Shore and fishing there, there were few boats fishing in the area but there weren't much action.

My friend got his kok limit and 5 trout on last Sunday. He fish with long line pole, 4 oz sinker, Ford fender + kokabow orange and ~80' line out. I tried same setup today and didn't get any bite. :) Most fishermen quit at 2:00PM. We troll back to Goose Neck Bay and caught 1 more small Chinook.

Water level 58' down as of today, water temp ~63 deg. Portable boat dock fully float.

Hopefully we'll catch some kok on next trip.

Fished yesterday from 10-2 and did get four Koks 13-15 inch all in front of Marina
It was nice to meet you KokaneeJoe.

Likewise fish4kok!
It was nice meeting you as well.

We also did poorly yesterday. Only a few little chinooks but I forgot to get fuel so we had to leave early.
4oz. at 80 feet I believe is quite a bit deeper than we have caught them lately. I reckon that to be about 40' deep. We did not try deeper than 30' on the dw. Maybe that was our problem.