2017 Lucky Peak Reservoir Kokanee Fishing Report

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Very nice

Went up to lucky peak yesterday and gave it a shot. Bought a new truck and had to see how it pulled the boat. Launched from spring shores. Printed a lot of fish around the marina. Bite was spotty throughout the whole day and the wind was blowing most of the day. Ended up catching 5 kokes, threw back a dink and also caught 3 chinook. Kokes where 14-15" fish...come fall there is going to be some "pigs" being caught! Purple hoochie was the color they where after with a uv dodger. Tried green and wedding rings but didn't get a single hit on those setups. 5-15 feet deep. Water was the color of chocolate milk due to run-off. Lots of boats on the water but i didnt see any other boats net any fish. Still very early in the season but can't complain with bringing home 4 nice fish!
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Nice batch of fish thumbsup. How big were the cohos? That could be an awesome bonus in a year or two.
Went up to lucky peak yesterday and gave it a shot. Bought a new truck and had to see how it pulled the boat. Launched from spring shores. Printed a lot of fish around the marina. Bite was spotty throughout the whole day and the wind was blowing most of the day. Ended up catching 5 kokes, threw back a dink and also caught 3 chinook. Kokes where 14-15" fish...come fall there is going to be some "pigs" being caught! Purple hoochie was the color they where after with a uv dodger. Tried green and wedding rings but didn't get a single hit on those setups. 5-15 feet deep. Water was the color of chocolate milk due to run-off. Lots of boats on the water but i didnt see any other boats net any fish. Still very early in the season but can't complain with bringing home 4 nice fish!

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I would have loved at 4 fish day! We got one in the box today but it was SLOW. Saw 1 other fish caught and heard about 1 more...the one we got was just under 15" so that is encouraging for what's to come!

Marked some good masses of fish all within a mile of spring shores but fish finder was blank when we had our couple hits...water was 39 degrees or less all day so we didn't figure they'd be too active. Slow day on the boat beats any day at work so you won't hear me complain!
Thanks! One was 7" and one was 8". I wish I woulda took pictures of them. Wanted to get them back in the water....but I will next time we are out and catch one. Thought it was a trout untill I got it in the boat and it had the v-tail like a koke does but the adapost fin was clipped and that was a dead give away it was one of the planted chinook. But I agree, can't wait untill they get bigger!
I would have loved at 4 fish day! We got one in the box today but it was SLOW. Saw 1 other fish caught and heard about 1 more...the one we got was just under 15" so that is encouraging for what's to come!

Marked some good masses of fish all within a mile of spring shores but fish finder was blank when we had our couple hits...water was 39 degrees or less all day so we didn't figure they'd be too active. Slow day on the boat beats any day at work so you won't hear me complain!

Well ones better than none! At least u got some action in! Yeah it will be a lot better once conditions improve: water level, water clarity etc.
Portable Boat Dock Status?

Were portable boat docks in the water at Spring shore and Turner Gulch? Just wonder if Park & Waterway repair boat dock at Turner Gulch.
Were portable boat docks in the water at Spring shore and Turner Gulch? Just wonder if Park & Waterway repair boat dock at Turner Gulch.

Not at Spring Shores and I didn't really look yesterday but they weren't at Turner Gulch last week
Must be one heck of a snow pack they are worried about. It may be another month before things get settled.

Not at Spring Shores and I didn't really look yesterday but they weren't at Turner Gulch last week

Thank AkAngler. Last week I called the Ada Parks & Waterways asking about those portable boat docks. The clerk told me the dock at Turner Gulch is broken and that need to be repaired, she didn't when... she also said the dock at Spring shore I need to call Army Engineering Corp for the status. Hopefully I'll have some free time this week to fish @ LP.
We didn't go down to the dam. Water was very muddy so we stuck around spring shores and the portable dock was out of the water on Saturday.

Thank Addicted2Kokes! With the Boise river current flows @ Glenwood Bridge 7650 CFS, I think it will take a while before they put the portable boat dock in the water.
Nice size of the fish that you caught. Congratulation.
fished lucky peak Monday. launched at turners. strong winds all morning. made it difficult to troll. fished towards spring shores as far as the first dogleg to the left. water is real murky the closer to0 spring you get. not to bad by the dam but not real clear either. we only boated 1 kokanee and 1 rainbow.
Thank Addicted2Kokes! With the Boise river current flows @ Glenwood Bridge 7650 CFS, I think it will take a while before they put the portable boat dock in the water.
Nice size of the fish that you caught. Congratulation.
Thanks, it's goona be a great year with nice fish! Good luck to you this season!
Took the grandson (4 yrs) out for a quick trip Tue afternoon in my 14' Gregor (having a cover made for my Hewescraft). Nice day but a little windy; water was 38.2 deg. Lost one on a night crawler right off the Spring Shores launch ramp. Spoke to another fisherman who caught (and released) several small chinook. Just good to be on the water again!
Wish they'd put the portable dock at the waterline...I know it would require moving it almost every day at the current rate but I can't launch without it. :mad:
Wish they'd put the portable dock at the waterline...I know it would require moving it almost every day at the current rate but I can't launch without it. :mad:

Dock is broke.they are trying to fix it. I launched fine and beached boat on left side of ramp
The Idaho State Parks Passport

Can anyone tell me if the ID State Parks Passport covers launch fees at Turner Gulch launch ramp ?
Dock is broke.they are trying to fix it. I launched fine and beached boat on left side of ramp

Yeah, I'm talking about the one at Spring Shores. I was told Turner Gulch had a broken dock and at Spring Shores they aren't moving it because they already got caught out with fast rising water a few weeks ago which floated it and they had to go retrieve it which was far easier said than done.

Can anyone tell me if the ID State Parks Passport covers launch fees at Turner Gulch launch ramp ?

No, it does not.
Can anyone tell me if the ID State Parks Passport covers launch fees at Turner Gulch launch ramp ?

Turner Gulch Parking service by the The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers so the ID State Parks Passport doesn't cover for launch and parking fee. If you have the National Parks and Federal Recreation Land Pass that will be free at Tuner Gulch but it won't work at Spring Shore Marina. If you're 62 years old you can get a life time senior pass for about $20.
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