I'm seeing this wind Report ? To ruff at the boat launch at Spring Shores this eve? Your thoughts?
I think Ill wait and do a morning fishing trip. I wont be with the Fri. night crazys...
Thanks for your reply.
Mid summer on I went to a #2 hook and one with a little wider gap for better results. I also liked the pink firecorn, they made it a lot firmer than I can get it trying to cure it myself.It was windy. Hooked up on big kokes at point across from Marina down 25' ,1.6 mph ,pink Paulina hoochie,pink kokabow. Lost them all. Going to use brand new hooks next time. They like the procured Kokanee gel pink Firecorn
Mid summer on I went to a #2 hook and one with a little wider gap for better results. I also liked the pink firecorn, they made it a lot firmer than I can get it trying to cure it myself.
Took wife to LP today just to get on the water fished from 7:30 to 11:30 one good hit and netted one 8 in rainbow marked some nice fish but where closed mouth im ready for steelhead fishing
Thanks for the report fish4kok. Looks like LP is dead.... at least for a while. It's a double bummer that Arrowrock is also in the same boat. We will see if the fall will bring a few more fish. I think Fish and Game owes us some reasonable explanation to just what the hell is going on. There is just more to it than the 3 year cycle. Something happened to this fishery.... very hard to believe that Fish and Game doesn't have an opinion this. Their silence is very interesting..... Not a word about it.
Launched at the Marina. Plenty of docks still out. No one
At the launch. A little windy. We trolled all the way
To Arrowrock found a great beach to hang out and get
My Lab out. Saw lots of fish and even a jumper at the
Base of the dam and fished their For an hour. 1 hit. Then we trolled
All the way back to the Marina and ended our day at 5:30.
Hardly any campers and boats out. You couldn't ask for a more beautiful
Gonna troll lp Mon Tue by birch creek. If you smell bacon, WAVE. I will raise my flag when I get kokes in the boat.
Just bass and trout. I have no trolling motor. It's in the shop. I tried trolling with a drift sock and was all over the lake . I am so sad without my Minn Lotta terrova. Also lost a cannon ball. So I got to wait for more draw down to retrieve it.