Best Bait Color?

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Sep 26, 2008
Central Oregon
Between the different kokanee baits...Pautske Fire Corn, Gulp Maggots, and dyed corn, what color has been most productive for you?
In my experiance corn dyed pink has been very effective, but I haven't really spent much time with any thing else (other than natural white corn.) Have you tried the other colors?
I have my favorite Koke colors for lures so I use the same colors on my baits. Pink & purple. When the bite is wide open, I'll throw undyed corn out too.
I've been tipping with neutral color & pink Berkley Gulp maggots. Have added green to the box and going to try them this year. Alot of times I'll just run the hooks plain or put a little scent on it.
We have been tipping with pink and green berkey gulp maggots for the past four years and doon real good ; the boy mixes the two together
but when the fishing is hot it don't sean to matter tiped or not
My best bait has been natural white corn covered with shrimp oil. Now this may be mere superstition, but, I make sure to put the corn on the hook all in the same direction, the cob end of the kernal headed on, followed by the next the same direction. I've mixed the bait around and it appears that I get more bites if the kernals all face the same way. Makes me wonder if the corn appears as a white grub,or, like I said, just superstition (LOL).thumbsup Bull
I like the corn natural with Garlic best and pink second. There's just some we and the fish like about garlic scent.
Bought a little bottle of corn bait last year and fish seemed to like it. When I tried one rod with and the other without, didn't find any difference. Grabbed a handful of frozen mixed vegetables on the way by the fridge one day. Peas, diced carrot, and yellow corn worked just as well and no bait, ha ha ha.

As long as the lure is pink/white, bait made no difference.
Cariboospeed, it's nice to see I'm not the only one that see's the whole bait thing as mostly hocus pocus. As good as corn tastes, and believe me, I do love to eat corn, those darn koke's still prefer plankton. Go figure? :)
I have never used the gulp maggots before, do they stay on the hook very well? Real maggots seem to stay on very well, but they are hard to come buy in my neck of he woods.

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