Corn Color?

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Sep 26, 2008
Central Oregon
I usually make up 3 to 4 batches of corn and dye one of them pink useing Wizard Kokanee Killer Korn Dye, then add Pautzke Nectar to tone it down to a lighter shade of pink. Some days they prefer this corn over the natural color. Anyone else here use dyed corn and what colors have produced best for you?
The only times I've had dyed corn was when it was part of the scent I used. I've had neutral colored scents that seemed to always out perform that dyed scent so hence, I don't use dyes. However, fishing the Gorge, I've had a lot of different results using gulp maggots of different colors and the fish have shown a preference.
I'm with you never have used dyed corn / some folks do I find natural works just fine with me.
something I noticed last year at the end was we started experimenting with just putting corn on the forward hook and noticed we got more hookups than drive buy's. looking at the kokanee videos they always take the bite from the side instead of coming and swallowing it from the rear so I can't say they are going for the corn but we are going to start out the year the same way to see if it is still true. as far as dying the corn, we don't, just what ever the oils do, but we do use the green and red maggots and there are times of day when they want a different color I just toss a few of them in with the scented corn and use them from there. dfly
Last season I experimented with dying my corn and found that koolaid worked really well. Especially raspberry, which turned it a pinkish color. Grape worked well too. Don't ask me why. But it did out fish the natural and worked well for me.
I dyed corn last year for the first time - "pink". We found that pink dodger/hoochie/corn in the morning was about 3 to 1 over my standard gold dodger/green spinner/natural corn. By late morning it would switch to about 2 to 1 for the second set up (green)
I've tried a few different colors of Pro-Cure Bad Azz Bait Dye over the years but found it to be a royal pita... the stuff dyes everything it comes in contact with. And don't try it on worms. Oh, they seemed to like it at first... right up until they stopped moving. 101duh101
I firmly believe kok's love scents it the key not the color when it comes to corn. That's from my experience oil scents the magic part of it
I have never tried it but this is the year. I have some new pearl UV white micro hoochies and I think they might really like the contrast. Or not. We shall see.
I am not a big fan of coloring corn, but I must say one year I tried to color some blue and used to much, turning the corn a deep purple. Could not keep the fish off the hook (as if I wanted to). Tried it the next week and after that with no hits, go figure. Maybe the dye has some type of scent to it?
I dyed corn with Bad Azz magenta and chartreuse last year along with using natural shoepeg. Honestly I personally catch just as many fish with or with out the dye. As long as they smell bloody tuna or fish oil with garlic, fish on. ;-)

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