Deadwood Conditions

Kokanee Fishing Forums

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There is zero Atlantic Salmon at DW, I don't think they're in any body's of water in Idaho at all. Cascade was the last lake I know of, but I'm also not familiar with the Atlantics. Were headed to DW for the next 7 days gonna see if any big fish have survived the onslaught of boats this year.
It is interesting to me that your 7 days don't seem to contribute to the ONSLAUGHT.
Well its not that interesting because I catch & release. I lake fish for fun just to get my fix in, probably have 375lbs of salmon in the freezer just from this springer season.

It is interesting to me that your 7 days don't seem to contribute to the ONSLAUGHT.
Well its not that interesting because I catch & release. I lake fish for fun just to get my fix in, probably have 375lbs of salmon in the freezer just from this springer season.

No, It is VERY interesting. You come on here and brag about the numbers of big fish you release, yet you expect the bragging to have zero draw to adding new boats to the fishery.........

I'm not trying to rub you wrong. I just don't understand what you think you are accomplishing........ You imply big fish and numbers, but you don't expect it to draw more boats........ I don't get it.....
I have not said one bragging word on this thread about big fish, and I just looked thru every post. So fact check yourself jack.

No, It is VERY interesting. You come on here and brag about the numbers of big fish you release, yet you expect the bragging to have zero draw to adding new boats to the fishery.........

I'm not trying to rub you wrong. I just don't understand what you think you are accomplishing........ You imply big fish and numbers, but you don't expect it to draw more boats........ I don't get it.....
My bad. Sorry. Hope you have a great time up there. Wish I was going to be there for 7 days. I'm just jealous. Again, sorry. To me, bragging was implied, but sometimes I read too much into things.......
Over fished?

Fishing in general was horrible last 4 days. We did catch some fish daily but it's the worst/slowest we've ever seen. Speratic small schools being marked but nothing impressive for that lake. Counted 35-40 different boats trolling each day, looked like a normal day at Anderson.
My friend just got home from deadwood--they caught over 100 koke's and one chinook 8Lbs-- a lady caught a 16lb rainbow from the bank on worms and marshmallows--They fished 3 days and lost another big fish near the boat--The road is better according to him thumbsup
Koke fishing

My buddy fished in several different spots with pink hoochies and dark colored kokaboo lures--20-30 ft deep--He said the fish were turning red
I fished on Friday and Saturday. Fishing was fairly slow for me. Caught most of my fish at 30-50. Got a few red ones and some nice bright ones too. The air show was spectacular. Fire planes were touching down on the lake and picking up water to dump on the fire. Had one big fish break me off. Looks like I'm going to have to increase my line strength.....Again.
Deadwood Trip

I went yesterday and my motor would not run at low rpm's--replaced the low speed jet--going back in the morning--11 hour trip no fishing

Incidentally, if you happen to catch a rod, it's probably mine....... I lost 2 rods, a pair of glasses, and a pistol on Friday. I'll be back with SCUBA gear in hopes of retrieving the pistol on Friday.
Hook'N... How did you loose all that gear??? Did you go overboard?

Dustin U
Somethin' like that. Along with a string of bad luck after. Here's my story as posted on another forum I hang out on:

"Sorry to be a whiner, but I thought I'd share my worst hour of fishing with you all.

T'was a beautiful day........ I went to cast my lure, and when I did, instead I cast my rod. It landed in the water just past my boat....... I thought quickly...... Grab it! So I reached out with my right hand and just missed it by inches.....

Again, thinking quickly, I thought if you reach with your left and grab the motor with your right, you can still reach it. So as I lunged with my left hand, I reached for the motor with my right hand. My left hand reached the rod fine, but my right hand being wet, slipped off the motor and I went in head first.........

Did I happen to mention that the motor was RUNNING? And it was in gear too! I came to the surface rod in hand and then I realized the boat was moving away. It was the rod or the boat so I grabbed the boat and let the rod go.

Somehow I was able to get the motor shut off without getting into the prop. Climbing back in the boat was then an easy task. Not letting bad luck ruin my day, I went back to fishing. While fishing I decided my clothes would dry faster if I took them off, so I started peeling off clothes. That was when I realized, MY PISTOL IS GONE! #$@%^&$#@#$#%^$$##$$%#$#$%%#$#@#@##

A few minutes later I hook up. As I'm bringing in my fish, I accidentally bumped the rod in the other holder and "ker plunk". Downward it goes. I reach as quickly as I can, but more carefully this time........ But still, as I reach my glasses get hung up in the rod holder, my chums slip loose, and down go my glasses, right behind my 2nd rod.......... Ugh!

4 lost items and $600 later, I'm sitting in my boat, fishing in my underwear............ What a day."
Ok, So you've shared it with the world!

Somethin' like that. Along with a string of bad luck after. Here's my story as posted on another forum I hang out on:

"Sorry to be a whiner, but I thought I'd share my worst hour of fishing with you all.

T'was a beautiful day........ I went to cast my lure, and when I did, instead I cast my rod. It landed in the water just past my boat....... I thought quickly...... Grab it! So I reached out with my right hand and just missed it by inches.....

Again, thinking quickly, I thought if you reach with your left and grab the motor with your right, you can still reach it. So as I lunged with my left hand, I reached for the motor with my right hand. My left hand reached the rod fine, but my right hand being wet, slipped off the motor and I went in head first.........

Did I happen to mention that the motor was RUNNING? And it was in gear too! I came to the surface rod in hand and then I realized the boat was moving away. It was the rod or the boat so I grabbed the boat and let the rod go.

Somehow I was able to get the motor shut off without getting into the prop. Climbing back in the boat was then an easy task. Not letting bad luck ruin my day, I went back to fishing. While fishing I decided my clothes would dry faster if I took them off, so I started peeling off clothes. That was when I realized, MY PISTOL IS GONE! #$@%^&$#@#$#%^$$##$$%#$#$%%#$#@#@##

A few minutes later I hook up. As I'm bringing in my fish, I accidentally bumped the rod in the other holder and "ker plunk". Downward it goes. I reach as quickly as I can, but more carefully this time........ But still, as I reach my glasses get hung up in the rod holder, my chums slip loose, and down go my glasses, right behind my 2nd rod.......... Ugh!

4 lost items and $600 later, I'm sitting in my boat, fishing in my underwear............ What a day."

Thanks for the laugh's!
Most of us.


Most of us lose a little here and a little there. Your story is amazing. I am the little here and little there fisherman. Nets, gear and so on. This year while helping my wife, I knocked one of my favorite koke rods in the water. Thought is was gone for good and then realized that the line was still connected to the down rigger. Yes saved it. It happens to everyone, even those who have been around for years. However your story is the best, and funny, meaning no disrespect. You got it all over with at once, I hope, then kept on fishing. That's dedication. thumbsup
I too have donated my fare-share of the little bits of here & there. Having a swing weight that gets caught in wake as boat speeds off and find nothing attached to the downrigger when I get to new location, 200' of cable with weight POOF, GONZO. Done that number twice. DR weights getting hung up on bottom, had to cut wire. My latest trick, after doing maintenance on boat in garage forgetting to lower canopy while pulling boat out of garage. Results showed mangle garage door opener rail, easy $100 replacement. If it has something to do with boat I'll find a way to spend money that I don't need to. Hope you have a GPS waypoint to retrieve your weapon and its not too deep.

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