Green peter season

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Nov 23, 2011
WOW ended up a very good year for us we ended up with an average of 37 kokes per trip our best day was 61 we put 48 of those in the icebox our biggest for the year was 17" we also cauhgt 2 nice chinnook 21-22" we did very well using vance tackle esspecially with the new 1.5 hoochies. If you are ever headed to Green Peter drop me a line I"ll be happy to help you
Wow!!!!, I hope to get it figured out some day. I fished 33 trips to GP this year and my best day was 6 in the cooler and that was the derby day where I placed 11th. I use all the producing gear and can not get the success rate up, I am going to try different release clips this year and let the fish release themselves from the clip and hope that helps.

I use shasta releases and find them to be the most consistant day after day. I would also recomend using the same weight line on all your rigs that way your not having to reset your releases. Once you get that all set up it's a breeze to catching fish. One of my best approaches to catching a lot of fish is watching the end of that pole if I get a strike and the release doen't pop I'll grab that pole and pop the release 50% of the time I'll have a fish on. Do this every time that pole indicates a strike. I also stack doubles on both downriggers One off the ball of 2' above if I'm running ball trolls of my ball. The top line I snap a shasta release on a 2 oz. carabeaner that's usually the middle sized one if you go to the hardware store. I let my line out the back of the boat 10' to 15' clip on the release to my line then snap the carabeaner on my downrigger cable and with a line counter on that rig let my line down 10' above the other line then hang on because your going to get tripples if you go through a school of fish. I' m still waiting for that quad which I have'nt had the pleasure as of yet. Wow what a lot of action if you get to keep all those fish on. Pass me the net I'm next.101chromefish101 P.S. make several of the carrabeaners up with the shasta releases so if you do get a fish on the top rig the carabeaner will slide down to the ball you clip on another one and down you go again without have to bring your down rigger up some times I"ll have 5 or six clips hanging off my ball before I bring it back
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I'll second that.... Shasta Tackle makes a great release once you have them set your good to go.. I've had people tell me that they can't get them set and it's because they are turning that screw adjustment to much.. It doesnt take much of a turn to make a major adjustment, but I can adjust them so a six inch kok will release them if need be. You won't be dragging Kokanee around the lake with this release plus you'll have a consistent release when fishing which is very important in my eyes. Kokaneekid gives them two thumbs up!!

Fish On kokaneekid
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geen peter

I went up the middle of December caught 5 10" 11" in about an hr was right on top and cold.

Thanks! I think I might go up there this weekend cabin fever has got me down. Any suggestions on where to start on the lake I have only fish did 1 time. How about foster lake is it any good this time of year ,since it's right next to it
I might have to make it up there is this weekend cabin fever has got me crazy any suggestions on where to start on the lake I have only finished it once
I wouldn't fish Foster, both may be muddy right now. I am going to Green Peter in the morning should be great weather and I have a bunch of new gear to play with.
I caught one 11 inch Koke at 7 feet and 30 pulls on the downrigger, uv green sling blade and pink mini hoochie. Fish were suspended from 80 feet up to the surface. Awesome weather and I was surprised to see only one other boat out there. fished from 8:30 to 3:00.
Green peter

Thanks elkhunter boy am i getting the itch hope to get up there soon this cabin fever is getting the best of me.
I caught one 11 inch Koke at 7 feet and 30 pulls on the downrigger, uv green sling blade and pink mini hoochie. Fish were suspended from 80 feet up to the surface. Awesome weather and I was surprised to see only one other boat out there. fished from 8:30 to 3:00.

That sounds great,nice fish for this early. Was the water pretty clear? awesomereport

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