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May 29, 2015
Howdy all
I have ben snooping around this site for a couple years , and found a lot of great info .from reading these post we discovered we needed to take a trip to Flameing Gorge !!
So if i may I would like to share just a bit of last years trip . Stayed at the KOA ln manila . Apron arivle we set up the motor home .anb met a neighbor and his wife . Set off to take care of all the legal stuff. And have diner . Stoped at the hard ware store
Man you don't see them like that any more . Groceries , hardware , tackle , and ice cream shop all in one . So we tryed the Huckleberry ice cream cone every body needs to try that one !! Headed back to camp
when we arrived at camp our neighbor said we had a visitor to our boat. Oh no i said what did loose now !! Oh no he said it was the wife of one of the guides here . Me being disabled , he said let me show you ,so he jumps in the boat and comes out with a hand full o kokanee gear. Surprise, surprise l cant believe it . He is working for the Forest Service lnspecting boat will he waits for his new boat to come in. Remember this name Christians Tackle . The next morning off to ramp at Lucern . Our turn get inspection and up comes this nice fellow and he said there is a boat just like this at the KOA . I said just like this ? Ya the same color and everything !! So I say this is the same one . Did you get our care package ?? Yep and thank . Try it out and see if it works . I'll.check back later and see how you did . Well by 12 :30 we were done . Back to the ramp , the cleaning station there had a line , so back to camp . KOA has a nice cleaning station to . Will we were cleaning our fish and here he comes. Well how did you do ? We all limited out. Would like som fish ? He said no thank I have plenty. Can l buy some of your tackle . I can't sell any here , all the stores carry it here . So he walked over to his truck and handed me a sack . Try this at home l see you are form CA. Man you meet some great people while fishing .

May all your rods dance for you . And all your lines stay tight.
Colton Christian ,the owner of Christian lake shore tackle is a good guy,and knows a little bit about fishing the gorge.Glad you got a chance to met him.
Thank you propnut69

I couldn't remember his first name . And you correct , he is a great guy !!
101welcomw roddancer 101welcomw Colton is a great guy to know. I had a conversation with him yesterday prepping my boat for launch. He is now a resident of Manila.
Howdy BDuck
If you get a chance to talk
to him again tell him
high for me . I doubt he will remember me . but tell him the guy in the wheelcahair with the blue

jetboat said high and his stuff works in