New Wyoming AIS regs

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I wonder what will happen the first time I show up at the lake without being checked at the check point. I don't always get to Wyoming before 7:30 at night.
My guess would be you, like the rest of us would have to wait to launch at an improved launch, after an inspection. I think some more thought needs to go into this whole thing before it is launched onto the public. Both states need to come together and get something worked out or it will not work.
I'm also interpreting if we pass thru Wyoming to get to the Utah side of the Gorge, we must stop at the port of entry where commercial inspections are done for an AIS inspection. Eventually all of the lower 48 will have to come to a nationwide mandatory inspection where all state seals are recognized. Right now we are good only for the state of Utah taking an online test or a questionaire at the launch sites. As soon as we cross state lines this test is null & void. Wyoming has been collecting a revenue to fund their inspections by issuing a decal. Its a matter of time before it happens here. It will be interesting to see what the Wyoming water cops do when we pass thru the state line after launching in Utah but have a AIS decal from Wyoming without going thru an inspection. I don't have a problem with an inspection but everyone needs to be on the same page.
If one has to have a cable tie and receipt in hand, what are we paying for a decal that would then be meaningless?
Side note, I believe that Wyoming picked up this idea from Idaho. When passing through idaho the last time with the boat, I was motioned off the freeway to a mandatory inspection point. What I didn't know was that they put a steel cable to my boat and trailer. When I tried to launch, I couldn't for the life of me figure out why my boat wouldn't float off the trailer!
Side note, I believe that Wyoming picked up this idea from Idaho. When passing through idaho the last time with the boat, I was motioned off the freeway to a mandatory inspection point. What I didn't know was that they put a steel cable to my boat and trailer. When I tried to launch, I couldn't for the life of me figure out why my boat wouldn't float off the trailer!

Seriously? Never heard of such a thing. I think that had to do with you missing a payment.laugh hyst
It was on a stretch of I-15 just before Montana. I don't remember the town but there was a large rest stop there.
It was on a stretch of I-15 just before Montana. I don't remember the town but there was a large rest stop there.

My "seriously" was not about the inspection.....that is the law, they can and do inspect. I was referring to the steel cable.....unless you were kidding?
I'm familiar with the process of swedging a cable from the boat to trailer to insure it hasn't been launched. I just didn't know they had done it.
You said steel cable......I assume someone on the launching site is supposed to remove it. Is that a chain of custody thing so the next state knows you have been inspected?
Steel cable, a.k.a. downrigger cable has a special "seal" that is mentioned in the article by the original poster. This cable and seal communicates that boat hasn't been in potentially contaminated waters when it arrives at any given launch. There are some lakes here in CA that require the seal. Boaters that know they will be back to that lake before going anywhere else get re-sealed before leaving so that they don't have to go through a thorough inspection the next time they arrive. This process is designed to prevent lake hoping between inspections.
Thanks. I went back to the link and re read it. It talks about the seal. It came together in my head what you were talking about. Us folks from Idaho can be a little slow at times.
Its so easy to get frustrated passing thru another state in which all states know of the AIS problem but no one has the same set of rules. Yet awareness is what they all push for. Because of this is where citations/fines play a part in revenue earnings. Out of staters always draw attention. I'm glad I don't have a red boat. whistlersmother
I think this is going to be a cluster flub and it needs revised. How is this going to affect the local boaters like me? will it be like last year. I got inspected very few times last year,as I'm usually on the water well before the inspector shows up Under these new rules will I now have to wait at the ramp to get inspected. Now I'm at their whim for when they show up I do understand the need for boat inspections,and am behind the intent of the program a 100% Like B-duck mentioned,for a boat to enters Utah waters, no inspection is need. Unless that changes this year. All the major ramps on the Wyo side (firehole,buckboard,squaw hollow,anvil draw) will have to have inspection sites.Wyo G&F will have to have a inspection site somewhere between the turn off to lucerne and the marina,so inspections will take place. How will this affect Utah boaters,that boat only on the Utah side of the gorge?
I'm not clear on what this mean's 'at the ramp' as the inspections that are being added are for for boats being transported into Wy and are located at entry points from other states. There is no mention of additional inspection at the ramp and then only being able to launch at certain times. So, I guess that to mean random inspection at ramp, though not clear how that will work? How do they work it in Idaho?
Tim, the best sure fire way to avoid all that is to keep your boat in a slip up there for the Summer. 101idea101
Smokepoles, in CA, the inspections are done and a seal is put on your boat. If you get to the ramp and don't have the seal, you don't get to launch or face fines. In our case, the boat would have to be driven back to an inspection point before being allowed to return to the ramp and launch. And as I mentioned above, a lot of guys get the immediate band put back on their boat when leaving so that the next time they arrive they can go straight to the ramp.
Obviously there's a lot of room for improvement in these programs. I am 100% behind the effort to control the invasive species. I do hope the neighboring states get together on their means and methods of inspections, etc. I've never been stopped, inspected or asked to see a sticker, permit or anything in either Idaho or Oregon. I pay the fees.....and assume they are being used for a valid cause. I think education should play a huge part in the programs. Most of us clean our boats and look them over for any hitchhikers. I'm sure some don't know or care. Having to plan my trips around a layer of beauracracy's hours and detours takes a lot of pleasure out of the recreation intended.

When Idaho first launched their program it was a mess.....launched prematurely without a lot of coordination or communication. I bought the sticker, but intentionally did not put it on my boat as my self fulfilling act of defiance. Can't remember how many times that year I launched my boat in different one (in some sort of position of authority) ever asked or seemed to care. I even danced around in front of a Sheriff at a ramp to get them to look at my boat.....they probably thought I was crazy, but paid no attention.

I watched a video online intended as training material for boat inspection station operators. It was the best and most informative information I've seen on the problem and how to look for the invaders. I learned a lot about where the little buggers like to hide and ride. Makes it better for me to look my boat over. I do not want to contribute to the problem or contaminate the waters I frequent.

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