Porcupine 7/5/18

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Jul 6, 2018
I am new but love the tips and tricks found on the forum. Anyway didn’t get out till late afternoon and Pulled out just after 8:30PM but had one poll set at 28ft and another one set at 15ft. Was catching them on both. The trick at least today seemed to be to add either a smile blade or Colorado spinner at the tip of the squid.
Tried straight pink and orange squids but that wasn’t getting many bits but as soon as I switched it up to a white and pink as well as red and white squid body plus the colorado spinner or smile blade combo, then couldn’t keep the poles in the water longer then 10-15 minutes and we were hooked up again. Running RMT dodgers watermelon and pink strip neon UV.

I hope the helps you if you plan on your next trip.

Was able to limit out with some long distance releases....
Welcome aboard Taylormade.101welcomw Outstanding good post, hope to see some pics of your catch and outing. Where do you live? 101ok101
I live in West Jordan but my next purchase is to buy a GoPro to get video of the fishing trips. I have a Colorado XTS with a Cannon Easi-Troll on each side cause its easy to get in and out of my SUV. Thanks for the welcome look forward to posting more trips soon.... Plan to head to Electric Lake as well as Smith and Morehouse this month for more kokes.
I have the waterwolf also, dedicated a rod with heavier line for its use. It can be very entertaining when fish are active and your lure isn't doing what you thought it was doing. Its definitely a big boys little toy. thumbsup

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