I don't look a lot at the web site a lot any more because no one post. it is good to see you got 2700 views.
I like this Proposing that anglers can use lake trout (caught as part of their daily limit) as bait — or legally dispose of them
this year I have got more pups fishing for kokanee and using kokanee lures than I ever have.
one time went through a big school where the kokanee were at, all 4 of are poles started to jump pulled them in and had 4 lakers on not to big about 15 in.
and a report from yesterday 8/27 up by buckboard where all the boats are fishing we did not see to many catch much. but we did OK
only two red ones they were only 17 in. the rest were 14 in., silver next years fish
ON my Garman Live scope we saw more schools of kokanee than I have seen in a long time maybe 1 and 2 year old kokanee
so I wonder how many will be laying eggs this year
I did OK this year fishing for kokanee this year, most of the time no other boats were by me. at flaming Gorge