R.I.P Ed

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Jun 19, 2009
Oly, WA
It's w/great respect that I bid a great colleague and the Kokanee King ado.

His name was Ed Manary. Ed taught me alot 'bout how to deal with the politics of F&G and a number of kokanee secrets.

He was anal as hell. He had the ultimate 16' Fish Rite Kokanee Killer. Eqippped w/electrical downriggers and special cajonnes (balls) he sank 'em down to a special depth w/his nuclear Lowrance (in my humble opinion a piece of ****), and caught fish. We would compete over the years on western Washington Lakes. Ed and me, who could get to the best lake at O'Dark thirty and be out of the ramp by 7am w/fish! Just luved da guy and the BS we shared.

Please forgive me the digressions, but in my humble opinion the best Kokanee fisherman if not one of the best Washington salmon fishers there was, Mr Ed Manary, R.I.P


P.S.............Three days after his death, I drove by a local Marine to see his boat for sale. It F'ing dropped my heart down to my soul to see. An end of our time on the water, and an end of a great guy!
I didnt know Ed and your well done tribute makes me sorry that I didnt. Seeing his boat sitting forlorn with a for sale sign after seeing it used like stativarius by a master would be tough.

Sorry for your loss.
I'm sorry for your loss. He will live on in your memory. I hope he taught you everything he knew so that part of him wouldn't be lost too.
Mossback -
Just joined this site to second your tribute to Ed.

I was greatly saddened to hear of Ed's passing. He embodied the true meaning of kokanee fanatic; passionate about all things kokanee.

I knew him for the better part of 20 years and it was rare that I would see him that he didn't find some reason to talk kokanee. While I only had a chance chase kokanee with him a few times during the "season" we would talk several times a month and trade latest kokanee reports/adventures and any new "tricks" we may have stumbled on.

Those of us who knew Ed as well as the sport of kokanee fishing will miss him.

This spring as you fish your and Ed's favorite lake tip your cap to the kokanee in memory of him. It is on my agenda to honor him with a morning on what I will always regard as "Ed's Lake".

Tight lines
Sure wish I could have met Ed and fished with him. I got to thinking about his boat. I'll bet it will wind up in the hands of a budding kokanee fanatic, at least at some point. The power of legends lives on !!


Gary, Curt, et. al.

I just want to express to you all a thank you in recognition of a man who luved fishing, Ed. I knew Ed since he rep'd the Washington Charter Boat Assoc'd. I remember sampling a guy at 19 who is now our F&G Director!.....yes, the waters run deep with people and fish...............but Ed taught me alot about people. You see, my knowledge involved fish biology and life on the water.......not the politics of salmon nor fish! Ed, the Kokanee King, provided this biologist with just a degree of education on how to deal w/people, "it will be a better world if you delve a teaspoon of honey rather than a tablespoon of vinegar"............Thank you Ed! You taught me alot!
