Use my Traeger or buy a Little Chief for smoking?

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Well-known member
May 3, 2011
Sunriver, OR
I'm new to Kokanee fishing and need some help choosing the best tool for smoking Kokanee. Price doesn't matter. I have a large Traeger grill but have never tried smoking anything on it. I've read that you can smoke fish on the Treager but it's a little too warm. Some folks say they leave the lid open a couple of inches so it runs cooler. I'd love to use the Traeger because I bought the large smoking rack with it so it's ready to go.

If you could have any smoker for free, what would you get?

Thanks for your help. The information you share here is really helpful to newbies.
What is the lowest box temp you can get with your traeger? If you can get close to 200° - 225° try the traeger first and see how it comes out.
I have a big chief, works great for smoking kokes and salmon! But if you ever wanted to get a lil more heat ya can't do it. All you get is on and off with those smokers no heat control other than insulating them or open the lid. But I like mine!

Look in this forum, and read my earlier post dated 4/6/11 (Industrial Electric Smoker).

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I can't really tell you a lot about it but my dad bought one a couple years ago from Costco that he just loves. It is all stainless steel construction which makes it nice. It runs on gas and has a wood burning option that he uses. It also has a way to add moisture to your smoke method that really makes meat turn out tender and delicious if you intend to eat it right away. I've used both a little chief and a big chief and they just don't compare. The only way I could use the big chief most of the time was to build a plywood box to set over and around it to help keep the heat in. The meat it produces tastes just fine but it will never look or work as good as the one my dad has. If price is not an obstacle, I don't think you can get much better than his, only bigger. I don't know who all sells smokers like this but the features it has are what I would consider to be the goal to aim for. Stainless steel construction, gas powered, wood smoke, and moisture integrated.
What is the lowest box temp you can get with your traeger? If you can get close to 200° - 225° try the traeger first and see how it comes out.

I think the lowest temp on the "smoke" setting is around 160°. Based on what others have said here - I'm going to give the Traeger a shot. All I need is some fish and I'm going to work on that this week :)

Look in this forum, and read my earlier post dated 4/6/11 (Industrial Electric Smoker).


I did search this forum but I don't recall reading any posts from folks using a Traeger grill to smoke their fish. If the Treager doesn't work, I'll be shopping for a new smoker.

Thanks for all the input guys!
I have a traeger but I don't smoke fish. I have cooked fish on it which does a good job. I would think even on low that the setting may be too warm. But I'm not any help at all. I have a regular wood/charcoal smoker for doing meats but I don't smoke fish.
I have a traeger but I don't smoke fish. I have cooked fish on it which does a good job.

Yes, the Traeger does an AMAZING job at cooking fish. Best salmon I've ever had. Plus, it's so easy to cook. I just set the grill on the Smoke setting and let the salmon sit on the grill for 30 minutes while my wife and I sip wine. When we start getting hungry, I crank it up to high and finish it. Very moist and has that nice smoke flavor.
What makes the Traeger nice is the different flavored cooking pellets. So many flavors to choose from. It does a great job on alot of meats whether you are slow cooking to cooking hamburgers. I agree with the fish. Put it on smoke mode for a few minutes and then turn up the heat a little. thumbsup thumbsup thumbsup
A traeger smoker is all you need period! I have smoked dozens of fish on mine, they come out perfect after two to three hours at the smoke setting. I wouldn't even mess with anything else. No, I don't work for them, but have smoked a lot of meat and fish. You don't need anything else.
A traeger smoker is all you need period! I have smoked dozens of fish on mine, they come out perfect after two to three hours at the smoke setting. I wouldn't even mess with anything else. No, I don't work for them, but have smoked a lot of meat and fish. You don't need anything else.

+1 Had a Big Chief and just gave it way once I got a Traeger. The Traeger smokes at least mine does. Perfect. Kokes take about 90 to 105min. Salmon 2 -3 hours.
Here's an update:

I finally smoked my first batch of Kokanee on my Traeger. The temp stayed right at about 150 degrees. Outside ambient temp was in the 60's. I smoked the fish whole with the skin for about 6 hours. I used toothpicks to keep the "chest" cavity open. They turned out REALLY well. The only change I'll make is to smoke them 1-2 hours longer. The only reason I pulled them off the grill after 6 hours is I was worried they might get dried out. Nope! They were still very moist. My wife and son loved it!

Bottom line - The Traeger works perfectly for smoking Kokanee. Hardly used any pellets and it was totally hands free. Put on grill, set to smoke, then ignore it for 6-8 hours. Piece of cake!
I have a Traeger and smoke on it, works great. Sounds like you have the digital thermostat. If so there is a little hole on the front by the knob, you can adjust the temp setting. It will show a P number like P6 for example, I think the lower the number the hotter it will burn, sounds like you may need to adjust it up 1 or maybe 2 levels to get it closer to 170 to 180 for better and faster smoking.
If you need help try calling the Traeger hotline, some of the older digitals do not have this option I speak of
Thanks for the tip K-Dub

Yes, my grill has the digital thermometer. I could have turned it up one click to 180 degrees if I wanted (or knew better). This was my first attempt at smoking and I thought having it at the "smoke" setting was what I needed. I'll set it to 180 degrees next time.

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