2010 kokanee season

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I too gave in at the sportsman's show. So many cool new toys to drool over. Mostly though, I decided to finally give Gary's trolling systems a try. Well, that and I added a couple of more jigs. I don't think I could ever give up on those. Working on a jig design of my own right now. We'll see how that turns out. The good news for me is that since I began using Fire Line and Spider Wire, I don't have to spend much on new tackle anymore. Well, since I learned to always use the Palomar knot, that is.
Just picked up one of Vance's rods, a few items from RMT, and last fall I aquirred a Cannon manual DR. Just need to get it mounted to the boat and I am ready!tooexcited
Well you can do the smart thing and just wait for our reports to find out what's hot this season and then buy. You'll spend less money that way... of course I did not follow that principle and caved in at the sports shows. laugh hyst


It's okay Kevin. I think you are with the majority in that situation.

I'm still trying to catch up with last season! stomper It's not like I haven't been spending money, just not on Kokanee gear yet. I'm gearing up for the prespawn for bass and the spring Striper run. ;)
I tied up a bunch of spinners , hoochies , set up a new downrigger off the stern of my boat , and made up quite a few dodgers . I should be already to try out all my new offering to the fish this year .
If all my ducks line up a NEW Boat something with zylton and full glass windsheild! Now which one? Love my current boat but thinking a alumaweld stryker or something similar with 4stroke sounds fun. 17-18, i fish kokes only because there's no king salmon in Utah boooo. I did get all new poles 2 8'6 ugly stick steelhead rigs,two shimano cheapy setups,2 spirex setups o and 9'6 trout spinning rod lol love Cabelas.

Anyone see some new repo decent boats for a deal? I bid on Northriver pursuit on ebay brand new got up to $9k then sold for $13.500 no motor obviously.
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