Hello, fairly new to Kokanee fishing and I have heard that meal worms are a great option to try. So I picked up a pack of giant mealworms from the pet store today that are about 2” long. I also got some fluorescent pink dye to dye them. Curious what other tips folks have? Should I keep some natural colour, or all pink? Should I cut them into small little pieces? Should I add different scents to them once they are dyed? Will it matter that they will probably all die when I dye them? Whats everyone’s GO TO scent? Seems like there are way too many options out there. Any tips or tricks to help me get a few Koks with the mealworms would be awesome!
You will hear all kinds of 'secret sauce" around the koke fishing universe so I am going to start with a few lies first
1. "Dodgers are the only way to troll Kokanee" B.S. if you like dodgers and you can run them.. pop gear (of all sizes) works very well..
2. "Kokanee will not hit a worm" in May of 2024 I was hacking on my brother "Pop gear and a worm? what is this Strawberry reservoir in the 1980's" (if you get that you have some years like me and know exactly what I am talking about), less than 10 minutes later he was bleeding a 2lb8oz Koke...
Try a small piece of worm on squiddy and put your favorite sauce on it...
3. Kokanee only hit at X.X miles per HOUR... yep they are speed sensitive but you have to find the SPEED OF THE DAY!!!, .2 up or down can change a day, YOU have to find your speed for your SETUP... if joe blow is running 3 inch dodgers and saying its 1.5 today and you go run 4 inch dodgers you may be below the fish... KNOW YOUR gear, experiment with speed.
4. Everybody at the DOCK tells the truth.... don't waste time radio fishing or dock fishing LEARN THE LAKE YOU ARE ON an master the catching..
Some Simple Truths.
1.. I have seen Kokanee caught on everything from gummy worms to flatfish to crank bates... but RARELY on a set line.
2. shoe peg corn can work... Just spend the $5 buy the berkly pre-treated bottle comes in many colors. (get a few)
3. there is NO "kokanee color" that they prefer to HIT, color of the day YES, buy 4 of every lure you use.. and if someone gets hot on it switch the other lines.
4. there is NO set depth, but water temp will drive them deeper, so be aware of surface temp
5. keep A LOG BOOK... not to relieve past success, but to know what didn't work on the slow day's
Have fun, experiment and remember Fishing is like my favorite American saying "Life, Liberty and the PURSUIT of happiness" there are no guarantees in life except MORE TAXES AND DEATH.